Solander Gallery has initiated an artists residency project taking five Solander artists to Stewart Island during November 2015 and culminates in an exhibition of paintings and limited edition print works at Solander Gallery and on Stewart Island opening in May 2016. From this exhibition works will be selected for a travelling exhibition to tour Regional Galleries and Museums in late 2016 and 2017.
The Artists involved in this project include Auckland artists Jacqueline Aust and John Pusateri, Wellington artist Jacqui Colley and Dunedin artists Jenna Packer and Inge Doesburg. Each artist has a desire to look beyond the immediate representation of landscape and to explore in a more abstracted way, their own personal and emotional response to Stewart Island and its place in New Zealand’s identity.
Stewart Island is a unique and often overlooked part of New Zealand that has had a remarkable history, from Maori settlement, sealing in the early 1800’s, whaling right up to the 1960’s and currently the focus on environmental issues and tourism. Each of these historical phases has left behind its permanent physical, emotional and cultural mark on the Island. The Island’s isolation has contributed to the retention of many native species under threat in other places in New Zealand. What better place for artists to explore, be inspired, create and imagine.
Solander Gallery would like to acknowledge the generosity and support for 47° South from our project partner, Stewart Island Promotion Association along with the support of Toi Rakiura, the Raikura Heritage Centre, the Stewart Island Community and the Stewart Island businesses.